Many companies see your resume or cover letter as an important part of your application documents. Because important for you to write a good resume. Various tips below will help you.
1.Impression Individual
If you plan to submit applications to various companies make sure you write down the correct company name in your cover letter. Besides you also have to create a cover letter addressed to someone. Use the name and certain positions, if possible. In particular, for a letter addressed to a woman, if you do not know the status of marriage, use the prefix Ms. Example: Ms.. Suryanegara. Remember: In the Internet and in MS Word is a lot of templates or sample cover letter. Do not just copy this example. Change according to your needs.
2.Short and Solid
Cut to the chase.
You write briefly and concisely. Use simple language. Use words that are used. No need trying to impress your readers by using words that are difficult. Remember: Do not write your cover letter is more than one page. The Company may receive tens or even hundreds of applications. Letter of application that is too long to be ineffective.
3.Neat and clean
as far as being able to use a computer program to write your cover letter. That way you can write a letter of application neat and clean, so easy to read. Remember: Avoid writing a cover letter by hand. Avoid using the tip-ex or something in your cover letter.
4.Contents of
In Your letter of application, there are some things needing written down:
•Opening: Mention where You get information concerning activity vacancy of the sebut.contoh of, You can mention that You know vacancy working the from advertisement in newspaper, advertisement in Internet, or from a Your friend.
•Work Of You now: Narrate in a word position and area of work of You in this time. You also require to narrate in a word main attainment You is in the work. Agar give better picture, give information quantitatively. For Example, " I direct five junior person people manager". needing You pay attention to here, write down only relevant things to work which You applying. Read better clauses which required in the vacancy advertisement. If work which You applied for was in area marketing research, You might not need to narrate attainment of You in logistics area.
•Education: If reasoning of education needed informed, write down in a word highest education You. If You have ever got education in school which enough recognized, it is better You write down him(it in letter of application.
•Cover/Conclusion: In [cover/conclusion] remind the reader that You have strong desire to get the work. It Is Better You express when best moment You can be contacted for process hereinafter. Dan don't forget to say" Thank".
5.Proof Read
Proof read mean reading to return all Your article and ascertain altogether have been was correct. Ascertain [there] no mistake of spelling, [there] nore- words or repetitif, and structure ( grammar) which applied by is fit. In program MS Word Anda can apply spell and grammar checker. Applied! According to a website,"Suatu mistake in just spelling can cause You lose time importantness to obtain;get work".
Jumat, 25 Desember 2009
Selasa, 15 Desember 2009
Seringkali kita sulit menemukan atau mencari file yang telah dikerjakan atau kita menemui kesulitan dalam mengelola banyak file dalam banyak folder. Berikut adalah tips untuk mengelola File dan Folder :
1. Gunakanlah My Documents sebagai media penyimpan data.
2. Gunakan penamaan file dan folder yang konsisten, Apabila memungkinkan, gunakan nama yang umum dan gunakan singkatan apabila penamaan terlalu panjang.
3. Gunakan penamaan file dan folder yang singkat dan mudah apabila dilakukan proses pencarian.
4. Pisahkan antara file - file dan folder PROSES dan ARSIP, Maksudnya adalah file - file dan folder dalam My Documents hanya berisi file folder pekerjaan yang anda sedang lakukan atau file - file yang sering anda akses.
5. Jika memungkinkan, pisahkanlah folder berdasarkan tipe file yang ada di dalamnya, misalnya folder gambar, hanya berisi gambar-gambar. Hal ini akan mempercepat proses pencarian.
6. Jangan membuat hirarki folder terlalu dalam.
Windows Explorer dapat dipergunakan untuk melihat folder dan file, serta menyediakan fasilitas untuk memenejemen file. Di dalam menggunakan Windows Explorer kita dapat melakukan penyalinan, penghapusan, pemindahan, pengubahan nama dan pencetakan file.
Fasilitas Windows Explorer ini terdapat pada versi Windows 95 ke atas, sedang pada versi sebelumnya ditampilkan dalam format File Manager.
1. Gunakanlah My Documents sebagai media penyimpan data.
2. Gunakan penamaan file dan folder yang konsisten, Apabila memungkinkan, gunakan nama yang umum dan gunakan singkatan apabila penamaan terlalu panjang.
3. Gunakan penamaan file dan folder yang singkat dan mudah apabila dilakukan proses pencarian.
4. Pisahkan antara file - file dan folder PROSES dan ARSIP, Maksudnya adalah file - file dan folder dalam My Documents hanya berisi file folder pekerjaan yang anda sedang lakukan atau file - file yang sering anda akses.
5. Jika memungkinkan, pisahkanlah folder berdasarkan tipe file yang ada di dalamnya, misalnya folder gambar, hanya berisi gambar-gambar. Hal ini akan mempercepat proses pencarian.
6. Jangan membuat hirarki folder terlalu dalam.
Windows Explorer dapat dipergunakan untuk melihat folder dan file, serta menyediakan fasilitas untuk memenejemen file. Di dalam menggunakan Windows Explorer kita dapat melakukan penyalinan, penghapusan, pemindahan, pengubahan nama dan pencetakan file.
Fasilitas Windows Explorer ini terdapat pada versi Windows 95 ke atas, sedang pada versi sebelumnya ditampilkan dalam format File Manager.
The is computer
Computer come from Latin language computare meaningful calculate. Because area broadness garapan computer science, of expert and researchers a few are different in defining termininologi computers.
To realize computer conception as data processor for yielding an information, hence required by is computer system ( computer system) which the element consisted of hardware, software and brainware. Third the computer system element shall each other correlating and form unity. Hardware will not function if without software, and so do on the contrary. Dan both no is useful if there no man ( brainware) operating and control him.
1. Hardware or Hardware: equipments which physically seen and djamah can.
2. Software or software: Containing program instruksi for doing data processing.
3. Brainware: man operating and control computer system.
Classification Of Computer
Newest literature concerning computer do classification of computer based on tigal things: data which process, usage, the capacities, and generation is the.
Based On Data Which Diolah
1. Analog Computer
2. Digital Computer
3. Computer Hybrid
Based On The consumer
1. Computer For Purpose Of Special ( Special Purpose Computer)
2. Computer For General Purpose ( General Purpose Computer)
Based On The measure and capacities
1. Microcomputer ( Micro Computer)
2. Mini Computer ( Mini Computer)
3. Small Computer ( Small Computer)
4. Middle Computer ( Medium Computer)
5. Big Computer ( Large Computer)
6. super Computer ( Super Computer)
History Of Computer
Mechanic appliances and electronics for assisting man in enumerations and data-processing so that can get quicker result. Computer which we meeting in this time is an long evolution from invention of men sejah yore in the form of mechanic appliances and also electronics.
Any way data processor appliance from since ancient era till now we can classify into 4 big faction.
1. Equipments of manual: that is very simple data processing equipment, and all important factor
in usage of appliance is apply man hand energy
2. Equipments Of Mechanic: that is equipments which have in form of mechanic which moved by hand manually
3. Equipments Of Electronic mechanic: Equipments of mechanic moved by automatically by electronic motor
4. Equipments Of electronic: The laboring equipments electronically is full
Abacus, what emerging about 5000 year is last in small Asia and still be applied in some finite places in this time, can be considered to be early computing machine beginning.
This appliance enable the consumer to do calculation apply shear bulk which arranged at sebuh rack. Of merchants in that period apply abacus for calculating commerces transaction. Along with paper and pencil appearance, especially in Europe, abacus losing of the popularitity.
After approximant of 12 century, emerge other invention in the case of computing machine. In the year 1642, Blaise Pascal ( 1623-1662), which by then of old age 18 year, find which he conceive of wheel calculator numerik ( numerical wheel calculator) to assist the father do calculation tax. This brass square box which named by Pascaline, apply jagged eight rotary wheel to sum finite number eight digit. This appliance is number calculator base on ten. This appliance weakness is only terbataas for doing quantifying.
Year 1694, a Germany philosopher and mathematics, Gottfred Wilhem von Leibniz ( 1646-1716) improve;repair Pascaline with making machine available for multiplying. Same as the predecessor, this mechanic appliance work by using jags wheels. By studying made by pictures and note is Pascal, Leibniz can make perfect the appliance. Then in the year 1820, mechanic calculator started is popular. Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar find machine available for doing four elementary aritmatic function. Mechanic calculator Colmar, arithometer, present more practical approach in calculation because the appliance can do quantifying, reduction, multiplication, and division. Ably the, arithometer many utilizing [
so a period of World Wars I.
Together With Pascal and Leibniz Colmar assist developing computing era mekanikal.
Early computer beginning which actually formed by seoarng English mathematics professor, Charles Babbage ( 1791-1871). Year 1812, Babbage pay attention to concordance of nature between mechanic machines and matematika:mesin very good mechanics in doing same duty repeatedly without mistakes; medium of mathematics require simple repeatation from an certain stages;steps. problem of Thethen grow so place mechanic machine as a means of
answer requirement of mechanic. Effort Babbage is first for replying this problem emerging in the year 1822 when he propose an machine for doing calculation equation of differensil. The machine named by Machine Differensial. By using steam power, the machine earn keep program and can do calculation and also print the result is automatically. After working with Machine Differensial during ten years, Babbage inspiration abrupt for strarting to make computer general-purpose is first, so-called Analytical Engine. Assistant Babbage Augusta Ada King ( 1815-1842) have important role in this making of machine. He assist to revise plan, look for financing from English government, and communicate specification of Anlytical Engine to public. Besides, understanding of Augusta good concerning this machine is the possible make instruction for by dlam machine as well as the Create become first woman programmer. In the year 1980, United States Department of Defense. Steam Engine Babbage, although have never completed done, very primitive profiles drawing if compared with present day standard. Any way, the appliance depict elementary element from a modern computer as well as laying open a important concept. Consist of about 50.000 component, elementary design from Analytical Engine apply perforations cards (holey of hole) containing of operating instruction for the machine.
At 1889, Herman Hollerith ( 1860 1929) also apply perforation card principle for doing enumeration. The first duty is find quicker way to do calculation for Biro Sensus Amerika Serikat. Census before all which done in year 1880 requiring time of seven year for finish calculation. With the flower of population, Biro estimate that required by is time ten years to finish calculation census.
Hollerith apply perforation card for entering census data which then diolah by the appliance mechanically. a card earn keep is finite 80 variable. By using the appliance, census result can be finished during six week. Besides having advantage in the field of speed, the card function as data store media. Level of mistake of calculation also can be depressed drastically. Hollerith then develop the appliance and the sell to wide public. He build Tabulating Machine Company in the year 1896 which then becoming International Business Machine ( 1924) after experiencing several times merger. Other company like Remington Rand and Burroghs also produce appliance pembac perforation card for effort business. Perforation card applied by circle of business dn goverment for permrosesan data so year 1960.
At the next term, some engineers make invention other are new. Vannevar Bush ( 1890-1974) make a calculator for finishing equation of differensial in year 1931. The machine can finish equation of differensial is complex which during the time complicated assumed by circle of academician. The machine is very heavy and big because hundreds of jag and
axis which required to do calculation. In the year 1903, John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry try to make electrical computer applying Boolean algebra at electrical circuit. This approach based on [job/activity] result George Boole ( 1815-1864) in the form of algebra binary system, expressing that every matematic equation can expressed to be correct or wrong. With the application of condition of benar-salah into electrics circuit in the form of terhubung-terputus, Atanasoff and Berry make first electrical computer in year 1940. But project of they are desisted by losing of source of financings.
Computer come from Latin language computare meaningful calculate. Because area broadness garapan computer science, of expert and researchers a few are different in defining termininologi computers.
To realize computer conception as data processor for yielding an information, hence required by is computer system ( computer system) which the element consisted of hardware, software and brainware. Third the computer system element shall each other correlating and form unity. Hardware will not function if without software, and so do on the contrary. Dan both no is useful if there no man ( brainware) operating and control him.
1. Hardware or Hardware: equipments which physically seen and djamah can.
2. Software or software: Containing program instruksi for doing data processing.
3. Brainware: man operating and control computer system.
Classification Of Computer
Newest literature concerning computer do classification of computer based on tigal things: data which process, usage, the capacities, and generation is the.
Based On Data Which Diolah
1. Analog Computer
2. Digital Computer
3. Computer Hybrid
Based On The consumer
1. Computer For Purpose Of Special ( Special Purpose Computer)
2. Computer For General Purpose ( General Purpose Computer)
Based On The measure and capacities
1. Microcomputer ( Micro Computer)
2. Mini Computer ( Mini Computer)
3. Small Computer ( Small Computer)
4. Middle Computer ( Medium Computer)
5. Big Computer ( Large Computer)
6. super Computer ( Super Computer)
History Of Computer
Mechanic appliances and electronics for assisting man in enumerations and data-processing so that can get quicker result. Computer which we meeting in this time is an long evolution from invention of men sejah yore in the form of mechanic appliances and also electronics.
Any way data processor appliance from since ancient era till now we can classify into 4 big faction.
1. Equipments of manual: that is very simple data processing equipment, and all important factor
in usage of appliance is apply man hand energy
2. Equipments Of Mechanic: that is equipments which have in form of mechanic which moved by hand manually
3. Equipments Of Electronic mechanic: Equipments of mechanic moved by automatically by electronic motor
4. Equipments Of electronic: The laboring equipments electronically is full
Abacus, what emerging about 5000 year is last in small Asia and still be applied in some finite places in this time, can be considered to be early computing machine beginning.
This appliance enable the consumer to do calculation apply shear bulk which arranged at sebuh rack. Of merchants in that period apply abacus for calculating commerces transaction. Along with paper and pencil appearance, especially in Europe, abacus losing of the popularitity.
After approximant of 12 century, emerge other invention in the case of computing machine. In the year 1642, Blaise Pascal ( 1623-1662), which by then of old age 18 year, find which he conceive of wheel calculator numerik ( numerical wheel calculator) to assist the father do calculation tax. This brass square box which named by Pascaline, apply jagged eight rotary wheel to sum finite number eight digit. This appliance is number calculator base on ten. This appliance weakness is only terbataas for doing quantifying.
Year 1694, a Germany philosopher and mathematics, Gottfred Wilhem von Leibniz ( 1646-1716) improve;repair Pascaline with making machine available for multiplying. Same as the predecessor, this mechanic appliance work by using jags wheels. By studying made by pictures and note is Pascal, Leibniz can make perfect the appliance. Then in the year 1820, mechanic calculator started is popular. Charles Xavier Thomas de Colmar find machine available for doing four elementary aritmatic function. Mechanic calculator Colmar, arithometer, present more practical approach in calculation because the appliance can do quantifying, reduction, multiplication, and division. Ably the, arithometer many utilizing [
so a period of World Wars I.
Together With Pascal and Leibniz Colmar assist developing computing era mekanikal.
Early computer beginning which actually formed by seoarng English mathematics professor, Charles Babbage ( 1791-1871). Year 1812, Babbage pay attention to concordance of nature between mechanic machines and matematika:mesin very good mechanics in doing same duty repeatedly without mistakes; medium of mathematics require simple repeatation from an certain stages;steps. problem of Thethen grow so place mechanic machine as a means of
answer requirement of mechanic. Effort Babbage is first for replying this problem emerging in the year 1822 when he propose an machine for doing calculation equation of differensil. The machine named by Machine Differensial. By using steam power, the machine earn keep program and can do calculation and also print the result is automatically. After working with Machine Differensial during ten years, Babbage inspiration abrupt for strarting to make computer general-purpose is first, so-called Analytical Engine. Assistant Babbage Augusta Ada King ( 1815-1842) have important role in this making of machine. He assist to revise plan, look for financing from English government, and communicate specification of Anlytical Engine to public. Besides, understanding of Augusta good concerning this machine is the possible make instruction for by dlam machine as well as the Create become first woman programmer. In the year 1980, United States Department of Defense. Steam Engine Babbage, although have never completed done, very primitive profiles drawing if compared with present day standard. Any way, the appliance depict elementary element from a modern computer as well as laying open a important concept. Consist of about 50.000 component, elementary design from Analytical Engine apply perforations cards (holey of hole) containing of operating instruction for the machine.
At 1889, Herman Hollerith ( 1860 1929) also apply perforation card principle for doing enumeration. The first duty is find quicker way to do calculation for Biro Sensus Amerika Serikat. Census before all which done in year 1880 requiring time of seven year for finish calculation. With the flower of population, Biro estimate that required by is time ten years to finish calculation census.
Hollerith apply perforation card for entering census data which then diolah by the appliance mechanically. a card earn keep is finite 80 variable. By using the appliance, census result can be finished during six week. Besides having advantage in the field of speed, the card function as data store media. Level of mistake of calculation also can be depressed drastically. Hollerith then develop the appliance and the sell to wide public. He build Tabulating Machine Company in the year 1896 which then becoming International Business Machine ( 1924) after experiencing several times merger. Other company like Remington Rand and Burroghs also produce appliance pembac perforation card for effort business. Perforation card applied by circle of business dn goverment for permrosesan data so year 1960.
At the next term, some engineers make invention other are new. Vannevar Bush ( 1890-1974) make a calculator for finishing equation of differensial in year 1931. The machine can finish equation of differensial is complex which during the time complicated assumed by circle of academician. The machine is very heavy and big because hundreds of jag and
axis which required to do calculation. In the year 1903, John V. Atanasoff and Clifford Berry try to make electrical computer applying Boolean algebra at electrical circuit. This approach based on [job/activity] result George Boole ( 1815-1864) in the form of algebra binary system, expressing that every matematic equation can expressed to be correct or wrong. With the application of condition of benar-salah into electrics circuit in the form of terhubung-terputus, Atanasoff and Berry make first electrical computer in year 1940. But project of they are desisted by losing of source of financings.
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